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Proximal Humerus Plate is used for proximal humerus fracture.


Proximal Humerus Plate (Left & Right)

Proximal Humerus Plate is used for proximal humerus fracture.

Proximal Humerus Plate (Left & Right)

Cat No. SS :- S23.PHPLSS / S23.PHPRSS Cat No. SS :- S23.PHPLTT / S23.PHPRTT
Suitable For Proximal Humerus Fracture
Screw 6.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Holes 04 Hole To 10 Hole
Cat No. SS :- S23.PHPLSS / S23.PHPRSS Cat No. SS :- S23.PHPLTT / S23.PHPRTT
Suitable For Proximal Humerus Fracture
Screw 6.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Holes 04 Hole To 10 Hole
Left Right
Hole CAT. No. S.S :- S23.PHPLSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.PHPLTT CAT. No. S.S :- S23.PHPRSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.PHPRTT
04 Hole S23.SS32544 S23.TIT32544 S23.SS32550 S23.TIT32550
05 Hole S23.SS32543 S23.TIT32543 S23.SS32551 S23.TIT32551
06 Hole S23.SS32545 S23.TIT32545 S23.SS32552 S23.TIT32552
07 Hole S23.SS32553 S23.TIT32553 S23.SS32546 S23.TIT32546
08 Hole S23.SS32571 S23.TIT32571 S23.SS32547 S23.TIT32547
09 Hole S23.SS32572 S23.TIT32572 S23.SS32548 S23.TIT32548
10 Hole S23.SS32573 S23.TIT32573 S23.SS32549 S23.TIT32549