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Tibia Osteotomy Locked Plate Suitable For Tibia Fracture And High Tibia Osteotomies


Tibia Osteotomy Locked Plate

Tibia Osteotomy Locked Plate Suitable For Tibia Fracture And High Tibia Osteotomies

Tibia Osteotomy Locked Plate

Cat No. SS :- S23.TOLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.TOLPTT
Suitable For Tibia Fracture And High Tibia Osteotomies
Screw 5.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 5.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole 02 Hole To 12 Hole
Cat No. SS :- S23.TOLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.TOLPTT
Suitable For Tibia Fracture And High Tibia Osteotomies
Screw 5.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 5.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole 02 Hole To 12 Hole
Hole CAT. No. S.S :- S23.TOLPSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.TOLPTT
02 Hole S23.SS36401 S23.TIT36401
03 Hole S23.SS36402 S23.TIT36402
04 Hole S23.SS36403 S23.TIT36403
05 Hole S23.SS36404 S23.TIT36404
06 Hole S23.SS36405 S23.TIT36405
07 Hole S23.SS36406 S23.TIT36406
08 Hole S23.SS36407 S23.TIT36407
09 Hole S23.SS36408 S23.TIT36408
10 Hole S23.SS36409 S23.TIT36409
11 Hole S23.SS36410 S23.TIT36410
12 Hole S23.SS36411 S23.TIT36411