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T - Locked Plate is used for Proximal Tibia Fracture


T - Locked Plate

T - Locked Plate is used for Proximal Tibia Fracture

T - Locked Plate

Cat No. SS :- S23.TLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.TLPTT
Suitable For Proximal Tibia Fracture
Screw 5.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 5.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole 02 Hole To 12 Hole
Cat No. SS :- S23.TLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.TLPTT
Suitable For Proximal Tibia Fracture
Screw 5.0 mm Cancellous Screw, 5.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 4.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole 02 Hole To 12 Hole
Hole CAT. No. S.S :- S23.TLPSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.TLPTT
02 Hole S23.SS00144 S23.TIT00144
03 Hole S23.SS00145 S23.TIT00145
04 Hole S23.SS00146 S23.TIT00146
05 Hole S23.SS00147 S23.TIT00147
06 Hole S23.SS00148 S23.TIT00148
07 Hole S23.SS00149 S23.TIT00149
08 Hole S23.SS00150 S23.TIT00150
09 Hole S23.SS00151 S23.TIT00151
10 Hole S23.SS00152 S23.TIT00152
11 Hole S23.SS00153 S23.TIT00153
12 Hole S23.SS00154 S23.TIT00154