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3D Locked Plate is used for 1st MP J Arthrodesis With Or Without Interpositional Bone Comfort Lapidus Fusion / Metatarsal Fractures


3D Locked Plate

3D Locked Plate is used for 1st MP J Arthrodesis With Or Without Interpositional Bone Comfort Lapidus Fusion / Metatarsal Fractures

3D Locked Plate

Cat No. SS :- S23.3DLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.3DLPTT
Suitable For 1st MP J Arthrodesis With Or Without Interposition Bone Comfort Lapidus Fusion / Metatarsal Fractures
Screw 2.4 mm Or 3.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 2.7 mm Or 3.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole Standard (Left, Right)
Cat No. SS :- S23.3DLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.3DLPTT
Suitable For 1st MP J Arthrodesis With Or Without Interposition Bone Comfort Lapidus Fusion / Metatarsal Fractures
Screw 2.4 mm Or 3.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 2.7 mm Or 3.5 mm Cortical Screw
Hole Standard (Left, Right)
Hole CAT. No. S.S :- S23.3DLPSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.3DLPTT
Left S23.SS11444 S23.TIT11444
Right S23.SS11445 S23.TIT11445