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Radius / Ulna Shaft Fracture


Semi Tubular Locked Plate

Radius / Ulna Shaft Fracture

Semi Tubular Locked Plate

Cat No. SS :-S23.STLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.STLPTT
Suitable For Radius / Ulna Shaft Fracture
Screw 3.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 2.7 mm Cortical Locked Screw
Hole 03 Hole To 12 Hole
Cat No. SS :-S23.STLPSS Cat No. TIT :- S23.STLPTT
Suitable For Radius / Ulna Shaft Fracture
Screw 3.0 mm Cortex Locked Screw, 2.7 mm Cortical Locked Screw
Hole 03 Hole To 12 Hole
Hole CAT. No. S.S :- S23.STLPSS CAT. No. TIT :- S23.STLPTT
03 Hole S23.SS00475 S23.TIT00475
04 Hole S23.SS00476 S23.TIT00476
05 Hole S23.SS00477 S23.TIT00477
06 Hole S23.SS00478 S23.TIT00478
07 Hole S23.SS00479 S23.TIT00479
08 Hole S23.SS00480 S23.TIT00480
09 Hole S23.SS00481 S23.TIT00481
10 Hole S23.SS00482 S23.TIT00482
11 Hole S23.SS00483 S23.TIT00483
12 Hole S23.SS00484 S23.TIT00484